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The Bugle Newsletter

Summer 2024

Whether a parent, volunteer, former member, or just an interested resident – you can stay current with the activities at the Club for Boys by reading our quarterly newsletter. We love to share the success stories and accomplishments of our members as if they were our own children.

Follow along with ‘The Bugle’ and learn how you can help our boys grow to their fullest potential!

Inside the Issue:
• Code of Honor
• Building Community
• Leaders Building Leaders
• A Helping Hand

Inside the Issue:
• From Boy Of The Year To Community Leader
• 10 Years of Memories on The Ice
• A Tutor’s Journey
• More Than A Game

Inside the Issue:
• A Year of Learning
• Every Boy Deserves a Chance to Succeed.
• Climbing The Ladder
• The Club for Boys Donors
• Funding Needs, Changing Lives
• Service Above Self

Inside the Issue:
• Leaders in Training
• Laying the Foundation For Success
• Welcome to Winter Wonderland
• A Life-Changing Visit

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