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Individual and Family Services

Individual Services

The Club for Boys offers guidance and individual services to assist boys in making appropriate and satisfying adjustments in their educational, social, emotional, vocational, moral, and spiritual life. Our guidance program attempts to meet the needs of our boys in developing positive skills and attitudes.

Guidance is an integral part of the entire Club operation. All staff promote guidance values by developing positive relationships between boys and their peers and between boys and adults.

The Director of Individual Services (DIS) coordinates with staff to develop and plan activities, including individual, group, and drop-in, to provide boys with positive and constructive carry-over values in skills, attitudes, and physical and mental health. In addition, DIS coordinates special services, such as educational counseling, youth employment assistance, and more.

Club guidance is based on positive, personal caring relationships with boys and will provide an understanding and helpful attitude. Discipline is only administered when necessary and in a positive and educational manner.
Guidance is an integral part of the entire Club operation. All staff promote guidance values by developing positive relationships between boys and their peers and between boys and adults.

The Director of Individual Services (DIS) coordinates with staff to develop and plan activities, including individual, group, and drop-in, to provide boys with positive and constructive carry-over values in skills, attitudes, and physical and mental health. In addition, DIS coordinates special services, such as educational counseling, youth employment assistance, and more.

Club guidance is based on positive, personal caring relationships with boys and will provide an understanding and helpful attitude. Discipline is only administered when necessary and in a positive and educational manner.

Family Services Vision Statement:

Teach families healthy coping skills while introducing them to community resources, which fosters them to solve conflicts confidentially and effectively.

Our Family Services Director is here to strengthen families and promote health equity so that every person has the opportunity to attain their full potential. We are here to walk alongside you to help you navigate everyday life and assist with warm handoffs to community organizations.

Key Objectives:

  • Emergency Assistance
  • Housing Resources
  • Food Resources
    • Food Pantry
    • Backpack Program
  • Dental Clinics

Request Family Services Assistance

To request more information about Family Services assistance, please fill out the form below.
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